Please feel free to contact me for questions, ideas or consulting through any communication medium you prefer.

Curriculum vitae


Towson University

Please feel free to contact me for questions, ideas or consulting through any communication medium you prefer.


Please feel free to contact me for questions, ideas or consulting through any communication medium you prefer.

Curriculum vitae


Towson University


Exploring the Effects of Meditation and Self-Awareness on Temporal Judgements

B.A. Eitan Yehuda Scher, PhD. David Wilder

Rutgers University


Meditation and Time Perception

Time perception is an interest that my advisor and I share; it served as an excellent bridge for my interests in self-transcendence and mindfulness with Dr. Wilder's background in social psychology. Currently, I am updating the manuscript with backgrou...

Speech and Language

As part of my role as Clinical Research Coordinator for Dr. Paul Garcia, Division Chief of Neuroanesthesilogy, I wrote a manuscript detailing the neurocognitive mechanism of speech and language functioning. The paper detailing the team's cognitive asse...

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